Monday, March 12, 2012

3rd Tri Journal 1

What do you expect to get out of this internship and how do you see accomplishing this?


  1. I expect to learn as much as I can about the career field that I want to enter. This internship will help me decide if radiology is something that I really want to do. I will accomplish this by helping out and doing all I can while I am there.

  2. I expect to learn all that i can about the techniques used in the manufacturing of cabnets, and possibly one day obtaining a job in this feild of work. I will acheive this by working hard and doing a good job.
    Ben Compton, 4-5 hour intern

  3. I want to learn all the different techniques from the different teachers on how they teach and handle different situations. Build my own teaching techniques I think work best and one day apply them to my own teaching. I want to gain knowledge and experience. I will do this by doing everything I can and taking any opportunity I can to do so. I will do my best and have a positive attitude.
    Destini Glover Runyan 4-6 internship.

  4. I expect to learn how to communicate with people while also gaining a basic understanding of how to diagnose patients and also some basics about common illnesses in children.
    Austin Robinette 3-4 intern

  5. i expect to gain a better understanding in how the personal computer works. i seek ways to improve my troubleshooting and repair skills. to do this i will follow the example of the supeerior computers employees and learn from their experience.Jared Ford 4-5 intern

  6. I expect to learn the basic care for children, and their development. By Watching and by experince.

  7. I expect to learn how to communicate with other employees and patients within a dental office. I will also learn the skills required for this field of work. I will learn this by observing and participating in the work.
    Jessica Niebergall 1-2 intern

  8. I expect to learn what it is really like to teach an elementary school class. I am going to go and help everyday, and I am going to ask as many questions as I can think of.
    Kristi Frischknecht 4-5 intern

  9. I expect to better learn how to work with small children and to discover if this is a good professional option for me. I'm also going to see a good vairiation for teaching pre-school because there are three different teachers I'll be able to have for mentors and discover the type of teacher I would be on my own. I'm going to discover this by teaching a few lessons and spending time playing and observing the kids.
    Katelyn Struble 2-3 Intern

  10. I expect to learn what it is like being a nurse working with little kids. I also expect to find out if this is really what I really want to do later on in life by watching and helping.
    Jenny Lyon 4-5 intern

  11. I expect to get a better understanding of chiropractic and see if it is a field in which I would like to pursue later on in life. Also I really like doctor Ellis as a person and he is a great guy to learn from and be around.

    grant grover 2-3 intern

  12. I expect to learn more about the medical field and patient care and to become better at interactions.
    - Carrie Stacey 2-3 intern

  13. I expect to learn what it takes to be a band teacher. I want to learn more about music and different instruments. I also hope to learn how to handle a school class and how to teach one. I want to accomplish this by being willing to get out of my comfort zone and learn a bunch of different instruments.
    -Jess Bollwinkel 3-4 intern

  14. I expect to get more training so that I may get a job as a Dental Assistant after high school and then get into my major of Dental Hygiene easier.

  15. I hope to find out whether or not I could or want to be a medical doctor. It is a lot of schooling and liability. Following Dr. Lish will be an eye opening experience I think.
    -Nathan Cottle

  16. I expected to learn more about the dental field and find out if I actually enjoyed it. I also hope to learn new skills and find different pathways to my career destination.

    -Valerie Tingey

  17. I expect to learn more about elementary education and see if it's a career I want to pursue. I also want to learn more about the real world work environment and how to succeed in a job like that.
    rachel brothersen 2-3 intern

  18. I want to learn more about the medical field. I also want to learn what dentists are doing in my mouth when I'm in the chair.
    Stuart Cannon 2-3

  19. I expect to gain a better understanding of what engineers do. I also want to gain a better appreciation for how they act and interact around other engineers. Jared 5-6 hour intern.

    1. I expect to learn as much as possible about elementary education so that I can be prepared when I become a teacher. By helping the students and observing the teacher I will learn as much as I can.

      -Eryn Vance 2nd hour intern
